Sifflet - New users cannot log in to Sifflet when not assigned domain "All” – Incident details

New users cannot log in to Sifflet when not assigned domain "All”

Started about 1 year agoLasted 19 minutes


Web application

Operational from 1:37 PM to 1:56 PM

eu-west-1-a - Web application

Operational from 1:37 PM to 1:56 PM

eu-west-1-b - Web application

Operational from 1:37 PM to 1:56 PM

us-east-1-a - Web application

Operational from 1:37 PM to 1:56 PM

ap-southeast-1-a - Web application

Operational from 1:37 PM to 1:56 PM

  • Resolved

    This incident has been resolved.

  • Monitoring

    New users (whatever the role) can be created but when logging in, they are instantly logged out if they do not have the "All" domain. If they have the "All domain", the log in works normally